Find Care
Finding the right assisted living community or skilled nursing facility for you, your parent or other loved one is very important. As we age, some of us will have very few care needs and some will have heavier care needs that come with dementia, recovering from a medical challenge, and regaining a better quality of life with intensive rehabilitation. If we can take care of our needs but needs basic assistance, we can live in an assisted living community (residential facility for groups). If we have multiple medical conditions, long term medical care needs or need medical rehabilitation we are probably most appropriate for skilled nursing facility care. How can you be sure that you or your family member is in the right setting with so many care options available? What criteria can you or your family member use to make an informed decision? Contacting the Nevada Health Care Association (NVHCA) is an excellent start.
Our member facilities strive to meet the highest standards of care. NVHCA members never forget that they are dealing with people in a vulnerable stage of life. Our residents deserve quality in their living conditions, their personalized care, and in their relationships. They deserve to be treated with dignity and respect. Whether a resident lives in one of our member facilities for a short time or for a lengthy stay, it is a privilege to care for our caregivers to serve them in a time of need.
Our member facilities strive to meet the highest standards of care. NVHCA members never forget that they are dealing with people in a vulnerable stage of life. Our residents deserve quality in their living conditions, their personalized care, and in their relationships. They deserve to be treated with dignity and respect. Whether a resident lives in one of our member facilities for a short time or for a lengthy stay, it is a privilege to care for our caregivers to serve them in a time of need.
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2945 CASA VEGAS STREETLas Vegas, NV 89169
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1050 E LAKE MEAD PARKWAYHenderson, NV 89015
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